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We cover all major sales channels

The most common among them are retail and modern trade, gas stations, pharmacies, public catering, e-commerce, etc.

Coverage map

Euromix works in 10 regions of Ukraine and we are constantly developing our network.

Kyiv region

People - 4 745,8 thou. person
Active client base (ACB)
4 023
Applications per day — 448
Delivery vehicles — 21
Sales staff — 130 persons
Sales teams — 6

Chernihiv region

People - 957.7 thousand. person
Active client base (ACB) — 402
Applications per day — 104
Delivery vehicles — 2
Sales staff — 6 осіб
Sales teams — 1

Cherkasy region

People - 1 159,2 thou. person
Active client base (ACB)
Applications per day — 325
Delivery vehicles — 12
Sales staff — 40 persons
Sales teams — 5

Poltava region

People - 1 350,6 thou. person
Active client base (ACB)
Applications per day — 250
Delivery vehicles — 10
Sales staff — 46 осіб
Sales teams — 8

Sumy region

People - 1 034.4 thou. person
Active client base (ACB)
1 096
Applications per day — 125
Delivery vehicles — 9
Sales staff — 31 persons
Sales teams — 7

Kharkiv region

People - 2 596.3 thou. person
Active client base (ACB)
2 656
Applications per day — 250
Delivery vehicles — 7
Sales staff — 57 persons
Sales teams — 8

Donetsk region

People - 870 thou. person
Active client base (ACB)
Applications per day — 35
Delivery vehicles — 8
Sales staff — 6 осіб
Sales teams — 1

Zaporizhzhia region

People - 1 036.3 thou. person
Active client base (ACB)
1 660
Applications per day — 183
Delivery vehicles — 9
Sales staff — 53 persons
Sales teams — 8

Dnipro region

People - 3 093.15 thou. person
Active client base (ACB)
5 681
Applications per day — 568
Delivery vehicles — 47
Sales staff — 75осіб
Sales teams — 10

Kryvyi Rih

People - 603,9 thou. person
Active client base (ACB)
Applications per day — 227
Delivery vehicles — 12
Applications per day — 25 persons
Sales teams — 9

Kropyvnytsk region

People - 902.3 thou. person
Active client base (ACB)
1 998
Applications per day — 180
Delivery vehicles — 10
Sales staff — 30 persons
Sales teams — 5

Odesa region

People - 2 349.7 thou. person
Active client base (ACB) — 208
Applications per day — 18
Delivery vehicles — 2
Sales staff — 5 persons
Sales teams — 1

Vinnytsia region

The office started working on 6.08.2023

People - 1 507.7 thou. person
Delivery vehicles — 1
Sales staff — 6 осіб
Sales teams — 1

Lviv region

The office started working on 1.01.202

People - 3 200.2 thou. person

Bila Tserkva

People - 208,74 thou. person
Active client base (ACB)
Applications per day — 147
Delivery vehicles — 4
Sales teams — 15 persons
Sales teams — 1

People - 4 745,8 thou. person
Active client base (ACB)
4 023
Applications per day — 448
Delivery vehicles — 21
Sales staff — 130 persons
Sales teams — 6

People - 208,74 thou. person
Active client base (ACB)
Applications per day — 147
Delivery vehicles — 4
Sales staff — 15 persons
Sales teams — 1

People - 957.7 thousand. person
Active client base (ACB) — 402
Applications per day — 104
Delivery vehicles — 2
Sales staff — 6 осіб
Sales teams — 1

People - 1 159,2 thou. person
Active client base (ACB)
Applications per day — 325
Delivery vehicles — 12
Sales staff — 40 persons
Sales teams — 5

People - 1 350,6 thou. person
Active client base (ACB)
Applications per day — 250
Delivery vehicles — 10
Sales staff — 46 осіб
Sales teams — 8

People - 1 034.4 thou. person
Active client base (ACB)
1 096
Applications per day — 125
Delivery vehicles — 9
Sales staff — 31 persons
Sales teams — 7

People - 2 596.3 thou. person
Active client base (ACB)
2 656
Applications per day — 250
Delivery vehicles — 7
Sales staff — 57 persons
Sales teams — 8

People - 902.3 thou. person
Active client base (ACB)
1 998
Applications per day — 180
Delivery vehicles — 10
Sales staff — 30 persons
Sales teams — 5
People - 603,9 thou. person
Active client base (ACB)
Applications per day — 227
Delivery vehicles — 12
Applications per day — 25 persons
Sales teams — 9
People - 3 093.15 thou. person
Active client base (ACB)
5 681
Applications per day — 568
Delivery vehicles — 47
Sales staff — 75осіб
Sales teams — 10
People - 1 036.3 thou. person
Active client base (ACB)
1 660
Applications per day — 183
Delivery vehicles — 9
Sales staff — 53 persons
Sales teams — 8

People - 2 349.7 thou. person
Active client base (ACB) — 208
Applications per day — 18
Delivery vehicles — 2
Sales staff — 5 persons
Sales teams — 1

The office started working on 6.08.2023

People - 1 507.7 thou. person
Delivery vehicles — 1
Sales staff — 6 осіб
Sales teams — 1
The office started working on 1.01.202

People - 3 200.2 thou. person
People - 870 thou. person
Active client base (ACB)
Applications per day — 35
Delivery vehicles — 8
Sales staff — 6 осіб
Sales teams — 1
delivery vehicles
20 000
m² in two warehouse complexes
branches + service center for the best possible interaction with key customers

Get unique access to retail outlets

Thanks to the developed distribution, you have the opportunity to reach more than half of the consumers of Ukraine.

millions of consumers

Our links with local trade communities go back a long way and have been well maintained over many years of maintaining good relationships, and you can ensure that your brands meet their target audience where they shop.

Gaining access to a wide range of sales channels would take a lot of time and resources if you were to do it yourself, but Euromix is your guarantee of easy access to the desired channels, as well as excellent execution of the approved strategy. Our key account managers and sales department will work hard for you in the field, ensuring the required result.

Reach your target audience through sales channels

Euromix has experience in increasing the success of FMCG brands. What challenge do you face?


Modern retail trade

Thanks to many years of experience working with retail, we know the structure and premises of this sales channel. We are your local expert, providing you with knowledge, experience and manpower. Local knowledge of consumer trends, category developments and shopper behavior helps us empower your brands. Even in a very competitive market, we ensure brand visibility and excellent in-store placement. Over the years, we have built a strong network of retail customers.

Our brand and key account managers can navigate a complex stakeholder environment and effectively meet the demands of both retail customers and brand owners. It is a priority for us that our sales, marketing and logistics teams work very closely together – this is key to success, especially in retail – because we have to deliver at the right time, at the right place, at the right price. As with any other aspect of the value chain, trust and transparency are fundamental to our approach.


Traditional retail trade

Even with the intensive development of trade networks and electronic commerce, the channel of traditional trade remains quite significant for the FMCG segment. We are constantly transforming the methodology and strategy of working with this channel, constantly looking for opportunities to increase sales and dominate competitors.

Our sales agents know the specifics of each trading point in the territory and, without exaggeration, find an approach to almost every employee. Open, long-term communications are the key to success in this channel.



Hotels, restaurants, cafes are a rather specific channel, with a unique history and a special concept of hospitality. The specifics depend very much on the format of the institution, the location region and many other factors. Each client needs an individual approach and mostly communications are built on the personal relationships of Euromix employees with the owners and managers of establishments. Common is the approach in striving to satisfy every client.


Electronic commerce

E-commerce is the fastest growing sales channel in most countries of the world. Ukraine is no exception. Euromix cooperates with the majority of online stores and marketplaces selling goods on the territory of Ukraine. This channel requires exceptional operational efficiency and speed of business processes, and we know how to meet these high standards.


Державні закупівлі

Специфічний і досить непрогнозований канал, з невеликою кількістю транзакцій але великою вартістю кожної угоди. Ми створили окремий бізнес напрям для роботи з державними закупівлями. Наша команда адмініструє процес пошуку замовлень, веде ефективні перемовини і оформлює повний пакет необхідних документів під кожну таку подію. Завдяки широкому асортименту продукції в портфелі Євромікс і високими комунікативним навичкам наших менеджерів, ми майже завжди можемо задовільнити найвибагливішій побажання наших клієнтів.



Канал продажів в якому для споживача є дуже важливою експертність провізора/консультанта. Цей канал продажу асоціюється у споживача з безпекою і найвищою якістю. Деякі з наших брендів мають значні продажі в цьому каналі. Ми розуміємося на технологіях за якими працюють аптеки і створюємо усі необхідні передумови для розширення нашого асортименту в цьому каналі



АЗС (автозаправні станції)

Наймолодший канал продажів компліментарних продуктів і FMCG в Україні. Євромікс співпрацює з основними операторами ринку, розуміється на потребах цільової аудиторії АЗС і постійно намагається збільшувати присутність наших продуктів в мережах АЗС. Відчуваємо себе причетними до формування і розвитку особливої культури автоподорожей із комфортом і можливістю придбати знайомі улюблені товари.

How can we help you with your channel strategy?

Please get in touch with us and explain your situation and ambitions - let us find the right solution to take your brand to the next level. Are you a customer interested in selling brands in our portfolio? Our business development team is here to help you.

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